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公司简介 / Company Profile

江苏中野交通工程有限公司,成立于2009年,是一家集设计、研发、制 造、项目总包为一体的综合性重型钢结构企业。在江苏省镇江京口工业园区拥有 总投资3.5亿元全资生产基地,同时分别在四川成都、安徽合肥拥有两座控股工 厂。生产区域总占地面积4万余平米,年总产能近4万吨,年总销售额近5亿元。 ******单项构件起吊能力为70吨,高度18米。作为钢结构桥梁和异型钢结构产品的 专业解决方案提供商,产品覆盖民用及军用市场,并被列入中国人民解放军陆军 部强检单位。

公司在北京、上海、南京、杭州、成都等地区设立分公司,负责中国大陆地区的市场运营和服务。近年来不断打造的 分支机构和完善的制造供应链,为公司全国性市场战略取得优秀的佳绩和保障。在海外市场,凭借多年的海外市场销售经验 和扎实的技术优势及品质保证,致力于为世界更多地区的人民提供服务和信心。公司拟在南美洲设立分公司、并拟在越南设 立全资工厂一座,更好地为亚非拉地区及南美洲地区提供完善优质的服务。

公司长期注重技术研发及科研成果的转化工作,紧紧依托同济大学、江苏大学雄厚的桥梁科研力量,历年来获得多项 发明和创新专利。经过不断发展,目前拥有具备钢结构工程、市政建设工程、道路桥梁工程、环境保护工程、建筑工程、公 路工程、施工劳务等官方认定的资质若干。先后 参与了国家大型项目珠港澳大桥的制造及施工,为中俄军演东海舰队提供视察栈桥,与泰国国防 部深度合作,参与美国纽约地区亚历山大·汉密 尔顿大桥的设计及制造施工,参与了国家“一带 一路”政策下的吉尔吉斯斯坦等国家基础桥梁设 施的建设。以及文莱大皇宫建设,参与世界银行 国外援建的众多非洲地区项目,如尼日利亚、刚 果(金)、尼曰尔、多哥等国家。

Jiangsu Zhongye Tragffic Engineering Co., Ltd, funded in 2009, is a comprehensive heavy steel structure enterprise integrating design, R&D, manufacturing and project general contracting. It has a wholly-owned production base with a total investment of 350 million RMB in Zhenji- ang Jingkou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, and two holding factories in Chengdu, Sichuan Province and Hefei, Anhui Province respectively. The production area covers an area of more than 40,000 square meters, with a total annual capacity of nearly 40,000 tons and annual sales of nearly 500 million RMB. The maximum single build lifting capacity is 70 tons with a height of 18 meters. As a professional solution provider of steel bridge and special-shaped steel structure products, our products cover both civil and military markets and are listed in the strong inspection unit of the Ministry of Army of the People's Liberation Army.

The company has set up branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Chengdu and other regions, responsible for market operation and service in mainland China. In recent years, we have been building up our branches and improving manufacturing supply chain to achieve excellent performance and guarantee for the company's nationwide market strategy. In the overseas market, with years of international business sales experience, solid technical advantages and quality assurance, we are committed to providing premium services to people in more parts of the world. In the future, the company is planning to set up business in South America and to build a wholly-owned factory in Vietnam so that we can better provide excellent and high-quality services for business needs from Asia, Africa and Latin America and South America.

Closely rely on the strong bridge scientific research strength of Tongji University and Jiangsu University, Zhongye has been paying attention for a long time on technology research and development as well as the transformation of scientific research achievements, and has obtained a number of patents and process innovation over the years. Through continuous development, we now possess a number of officially recognized qualifications in the area of steel structure engineering, municipal construction engineering, road and bridge engineering, environmental protection engineering, architectural engineering, highway engineering and construction labor service.The company participated in the manufacturing and construction of the national large-scale project Zhuhai-Hong Kong-Macao Bridge, provided inspection trestle bridges for the Sino-Russian military exercise East China Sea Fleet, cooperated with the Thai Ministry of National Defense in depth, participated in the design and manufacture of the Alexander Hamilton Bridge in New York, USA, and participated in the construction of basic bridge facilities in Kyrgyzstan and other countries under the national "Belt and Road" policy. As well as the construction of the Grand Palace in Brunei, participating in the World Bank's foreign aid projects, and participating in the construction projects of Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Niger, Togo and many other African countries.


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Copyright © 2024 江苏中野交通工程集团有限公司